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What is your vision for the future of American River?





We have completed the American River Strategic Plan with the generous input of the American River community.













Download your copy now!





We would love to hear from you.


We are building a Strategic Plan for the future of the township of American River


All American River residents, business owners, home-owners, community associations and interested parties are invited to participate in the process of developing a Strategic Plan for the township of American River.


ARPA (American River Progress Association), who are funding the plan’s development, want to hear from everybody. This is a totally inclusive process. To support the process, the development of the Strategic Plan in being independently facilitated by Darren Keenan of Practical Consulting Group.


In building a Strategic Plan, ARPA hopes to achieve the following outcomes:


  1. Create a unified vision for the town

  2. Provide for a voice and support advocacy for outcomes that benefit all residents, business owners, home-owners’ and community associations

  3. Support project funding applications and improve success rate

  4. Inform the budgets and works programs of Kangaroo Island Council

  5. Work collaboratively with government, agencies and community associations on mutually beneficial outcomes

  6. Support appropriate planning and township infrastructure development/maintenance

  7. Help everybody create a township that they want to work, live and play in, supporting the lifestyle and the reasons why they chose to live in American River


How will we build this plan?


We will start the process with a community drop-in and workshop session:


Thursday, 29 April 2021 – 4pm to 7pm

American River Town Hall


We invite you to attend, even if for just 5 mins and let us know your thoughts.


There will be further opportunities to be involved as we move through the process, including surveys, another drop-in and workshop.


Hope to see you at the session on 29 April 2021.


If you have any questions, please contact:


Darren Keenan

Independent Facilitator

Practical Consulting Group

Ph:         0428 716 330




Development of the Strategic Plan for American River is supported and funded by the American River Progress Association.




Proposed Timeline of Actions for development of the Strategic Plan

ARPA Logo.png
American River Strategic Plan - Thumbnail.png
20210321 Strategic Plan Timetable V3.png

Session #1 - 29 April 2021


         See all the information gathered at the public Drop-In/Workshop


Survey Results


         Download a copy of the survey responses


Promotional Devices


Click on the name to download to your device:


E-mail message     {to send to connections of American River}

Poster     {print and post around the township}

Social Media Tile V1     {use in the initial instance to advise what is happening and why}





ARPA Strategic Planning - Social Media V

To use Social Media Tile V1, right click and save to your device.

ARPA Strategic Planning WkShop2 - Social
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